Exercise is good for our health and it makes a person feel good and fresh. Getting the right amount of exercise will brighten up your mood and lift your entire day. So WorkIt! The results significantly depend on consistency, frequency and efficiency.
Be consistent, choose fixed days and times for your physical activity and stick to them. Before you know it, it will become a habit and you will be content of your gradual progress. Being consistent in working out increases the production and brain sensitivity to hormones smitters that regulate stress and anxiety. These include serotonin and endorphins.
The results also depend on frequency. If you WorkIt 3 days in a week, you'll maintain your weight and tone up your body. If you WorkIt more than 3 days in a week keep your metabolism in over-drive, lose weight and have better results.
As you progress, you'll naturally increase your strength, be able to use more weight, and perform exercises that are more challenging. That's called efficiency. Other benefits from having an exercising schedule are: better digestion of food, increased muscle strength, reduced mental stress, increased immunity, punctuality, and new strength goals.
Exercising schedule dramatically reduces the risk of developing the following diseases: heart disease, metabolic syndrome, stroke, obesity, diabetes, arthritis, breast and cervical cancer for women, prostate cancer for men, colon cancer, lung cancer, depression, osteoporosis, Sarcopenia (muscle loss), dementia, and Alzheimer’s. There are many benefits of exercising schedule, so there is only one thing left to do: WorkIt!